Hexahyp-7 (Burt, 1969), an experimental pretabrIcated Iight-weight shell structure of fiber – glass reinforced polyester.
The structure part of a morphological-structural investigation of continuous large-span polyhyparic (closely related to periodic minimal surfaces) shell structures was constructed by the Architecture & Town-lanning
Faculty students of the Technion, (1.I.T), at the old Technion site in Haifa. The structure, 300sqm in area, consisted of 7 regular hexahypars, linked together to provide for a continuous roof, on a hexagonal grid plan with 2mm thick hyparic polyester shell elements and 3mm steel profiles skeleton, with spans of 7,2m and the dead weight of 14 kg/sqm.
An artistic-decorative fresco experiment was associated, contributed by the artist Prof. P.K.Hoenich of the faculty, with polyester colors and inserted aluminum foils, representing mythological lcaros and his quest for knowledge, resulting in his downfall.