My involvement in bridge design started with the 1963 – international public competition for the design of the Bar-Yehuda bridge over the Yarkon river, (north of Tel-Aviv), with Prof. D. Yitzhaki. It was awarded the First prize (and execution).
For its construction Eng. I. Levi was joined to the partnership team, with Tichnun Ltd. After its completion (1966) the design was awarded the ‘Rokach Prize’ by the Tel-Aviv Municipality, inaugurating the tradition of joint collaboration (architects – engineers) of bridge design in Israel.
1967 – 70 – Architectural consultancy to Netivey Ayalon Ltd, resulting in preliminary design of 7 bridges over the Ayalon Ways, and eventually construction of the complex of ‘Al-Parashat Derachim and the Kibbutz- Galuyot’ bridges.
2002 – 03 – Architectural consultancy to ‘Derech Eretz’ company for the design of mostly prefabricated ‘Agricultural Bridges’ over the north-south Israeli toll Auto route #6. The whole project was nominated for the Zeev Rechter Prize (2004).
Altogether more than twenty bridges were designed.
Worth mentioning are also the Beilinson foot bridge, Oron Railway Bridge and Or-Akiva bridges (1965 – 70).
The gained practical experience was applied to many innovative conceptual projects and urban design strategies in the form of
‘Bridge Avenues’, combining transportation with living and working spaces and ‘sky promenades’, as part of an ‘alternative urban design paradigm’ development.